What is a


Some think of a building or meeting time. We embrace the vision of Acts 2.

Receiving God’s word, we were baptized for forgiveness and now we devote ourselves to the apostle’s teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayers (Acts 2:38-42).

We’re a group of people who know we need Jesus & follow him together.

We share our lives, invest in each other, and collaborate to bring God’s grace to others through Christ.

Simple Christianity

We all can find the truth in Scripture. That’s why the Bible’s our only creed, our authoritative guide to Christianity.

Jesus prayed that his followers would all be one. So we don’t have any denominational headquarters and the only name we wear is “Christian.”

Our Mission

We are God’s Family Of obedient Believers

Rom. 12:5 | John 14:15



In love and knowledge

Phil. 1:9



with Christ’s message of salvation

Mark 16:15


God’s Grace

In our lives to those around us

Eph. 4:7 | 1 Pet. 4:10

Our Vision

We’re guided by five Visions of the Church’s Work in Scripture.


Every member is cared for and belongs.


Acts 2:42-47; Gal. 6:2


We will foster strong relationships & openness with each other.

Each member receives instruction and training to become more like Christ.


Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 6:40

We all have different needs for targeted teaching as we grow in knowledge and maturity.

The word of the Lord sounds forth 
from this church and reaches the lost.


1 Thessalonians 1:8; 2 Corinthians 4:13-15


We’re committed to giving members a strategy for inviting others & sharing the gospel.

Our guests feel at home among us, 
learn of Christ, and want to return.


Hebrews 13:1-2; Colossians 4:5-6


Our visitor experience leads members to invite & makes guests want to return.

Meaningful Assemblies

We’re purposeful & thoughtful about all we do when we come together, considering how to stir one another up & honor God.


Hebrews 10:19-25; John 4:22-24


Assembling is a highlight of our week. We can’t always be together, so when we are, want it to make a difference.

How to Install Directory App

Before attempting to sign in, please ensure that Phil has added you to the directory and your email address is listed correctly.
  1. Download the iPhone App or Android App
  2. Open the app after it downloads.
  3. Select “Sign in” and provide the email address you have listed in the directory and the password you previously setup.

(If this is your first time signing into the directory – Select “Create Login” and follow the instructions on screen.)