Grow in Christ through weekly Bible classes for all ages and off-site group study discussions.
- Adult Class Schedule
- Kids’ Classes
- Adult & Young Adult Classes
- Bible Study Groups
“The Bible class teachers at North Church of Christ have been educating and instilling faith in children steadily and faithfully for many years. We can see our child’s growth through these efforts. It is such a joy to hear your child say they wish everyday was Sunday. At North, the children eagerly anticipate bible class. But not just for ‘fun and games’. We have been amazed on more than one occasion where our child knew intricate details about bible stories, a testament to the diligence of the teachers. He has also enjoyed meaningful crafts and referred to them during everyday life. We are convinced the bible classes at North are as strong as anywhere, and that they are setting our child up with a foundation of knowledge and faith that will not falter!”
— Jay and Amy, parents of a 3rd grade student
“Going to Bible classes is the highlight of our daughter’s week! At home she sings the songs she learns in class, and she prays for her teachers at bedtime. Her enthusiasm for learning about God is beautiful and contagious.”
— Hannah & Riley, parents of a Toddler class student
The toddler class is full of life and activities to match the energy of the little learners. We want to encourage a love of learning and participation that will add to their previous Bible basics knowledge. They will receive a foundation that takes them through the Bible in a year.
Our preschool students will walk through the Bible with tactile learning that mirrors that of our older primary age classes, but with emergent activities to keep them engaged and active.
Kindergarten to 5th Grade
The primary age students are given a sense of chronology of biblical history while simultaneously covering significant people, places and events. This approach gives an overview of the entire Bible each year with the goal of teaching application so that the children can learn to serve God and follow Jesus for a pattern to carry throughout their lives.
“I have learned a lot through these classes. All the teachers are knowledgeable and ready to answer any questions. Each class is unique in its own way, and each teacher has a way to get us involved. It’s a true blessing to have this at North!”
— Justin, High School student
“Every week I look forward to North’s classes. I love having options, so it’s helpful to have such a variety of topics offered each year at different levels of study. Usually we have two or three different adult classes at a time, so I can choose a big class or a smaller, more conversational class. All our teachers, young and old, seem to enjoy teaching and always give practical applications from the material. My passion is Old Testament history and it’s been such a joy to study how God intertwines all the places and events in the Old Testament pointing to Christ!”
— Bev, Adult Bible Student
Teen & Young Adult
The teen and young adult class subjects are rotated every six weeks to include relevant studies from topical to textual. We encourage students to engage in discussion, critical thinking, and application of spiritual topics by teachers passionate in working with this age group.
Adult Bible Classes
What makes a great learning environment? We believe discipleship starts with sitting at Jesus’ feet as his students, ready to follow whatever he teaches. So our classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday night provide a regular opportunity to feast on God’s word.
We all start at different levels of spiritual maturity and knowledge. We designed our curriculum to meet people where they are, leading them to greater insight and love with a mix of formats and subjects. We encourage deeper learning through workshops, small, interactive groups, auditorium classes, ladies’ classes, and sessions focused on foundational principles for new Christians.
Bible lessons should be a labor of love, where knowledgeable teachers share their passion for Scripture. That’s why our teachers spend time in the word each year to develop new curriculum content, tailoring lessons to the group’s needs.
Our classes dive into Biblical books and topics with content-rich instruction and engaging discussion. But it isn’t enough to know the facts of the Bible, so we strive to create a space for God’s word to change us.
“Our Bible study groups are some of the best opportunities to ask questions and explore topics at a deeper, more personal level. I always walk away feeling encouraged and more bonded to my brothers and sisters in Christ.”
— Adrienne
Talk, Pray, and study together
We love creating opportunities get together and discuss God’s word, from marriage study groups to prayer groups to neighborhood gatherings designed for invite friends to and build connections.
Unlike our weekly Bible classes at the church building, we usually gather off-site for study groups. A member’s living room or a coffee shop can provide a perfect spot for deep conversations about life’s most important questions. And our neighbors are often more willing to visit in these intimate, less-intimidating environments.
Below are some of the groups we’ve hosted over the past few years. Watch the What’s Happening page for upcoming study groups, and let us know if there’s a group you’re particularly interested in.
• Ladies’ Studies
• Men’s Studies
• Young Adult Devotionals
• Marriage Studies
• Prayer Gatherings
• Neighborhood, Topical Studies
• Outdoor Sings
• Bible Q & A’s at the Library
“The Bible class teachers at North Church of Christ have been educating and instilling faith in children steadily and faithfully for many years. We can see our child’s growth through these efforts. It is such a joy to hear your child say they wish everyday was Sunday. At North, the children eagerly anticipate bible class. But not just for ‘fun and games’. We have been amazed on more than one occasion where our child knew intricate details about bible stories, a testament to the diligence of the teachers. He has also enjoyed meaningful crafts and referred to them during everyday life. We are convinced the bible classes at North are as strong as anywhere, and that they are setting our child up with a foundation of knowledge and faith that will not falter!”
— Jay and Amy, parents of a 3rd grade student
“Going to Bible classes is the highlight of our daughter’s week! At home she sings the songs she learns in class, and she prays for her teachers at bedtime. Her enthusiasm for learning about God is beautiful and contagious.”
— Hannah & Riley, parents of a Toddler class student
The toddler class is full of life and activities to match the energy of the little learners. We want to encourage a love of learning and participation that will add to their previous Bible basics knowledge. They will receive a foundation that takes them through the Bible in a year.
Our preschool students will walk through the Bible with tactile learning that mirrors that of our older primary age classes, but with emergent activities to keep them engaged and active.
Kindergarten to 5th Grade
The primary age students are given a sense of chronology of biblical history while simultaneously covering significant people, places and events. This approach gives an overview of the entire Bible each year with the goal of teaching application so that the children can learn to serve God and follow Jesus for a pattern to carry throughout their lives.
“I have learned a lot through these classes. All the teachers are knowledgeable and ready to answer any questions. Each class is unique in its own way, and each teacher has a way to get us involved. It’s a true blessing to have this at North!”
— Justin, High School student
“Every week I look forward to North’s classes. I love having options, so it’s helpful to have such a variety of topics offered each year at different levels of study. Usually we have two or three different adult classes at a time, so I can choose a big class or a smaller, more conversational class. All our teachers, young and old, seem to enjoy teaching and always give practical applications from the material. My passion is Old Testament history and it’s been such a joy to study how God intertwines all the places and events in the Old Testament pointing to Christ!”
— Bev, Adult Bible Student
Teen & Young Adult
The teen and young adult class subjects are rotated every six weeks to include relevant studies from topical to textual. We encourage students to engage in discussion, critical thinking, and application of spiritual topics by teachers passionate in working with this age group.
Adult Bible Classes
What makes a great learning environment? We believe discipleship starts with sitting at Jesus’ feet as his students, ready to follow whatever he teaches. So our classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday night provide a regular opportunity to feast on God’s word.
We all start at different levels of spiritual maturity and knowledge. We designed our curriculum to meet people where they are, leading them to greater insight and love with a mix of formats and subjects. We encourage deeper learning through workshops, small, interactive groups, auditorium classes, ladies’ classes, and sessions focused on foundational principles for new Christians.
Bible lessons should be a labor of love, where knowledgeable teachers share their passion for Scripture. That’s why our teachers spend time in the word each year to develop new curriculum content, tailoring lessons to the group’s needs.
Our classes dive into Biblical books and topics with content-rich instruction and engaging discussion. But it isn’t enough to know the facts of the Bible, so we strive to create a space for God’s word to change us.
“Our Bible study groups are some of the best opportunities to ask questions and explore topics at a deeper, more personal level. I always walk away feeling encouraged and more bonded to my brothers and sisters in Christ.”
— Adrienne
Talk, Pray, and study together
We love creating opportunities get together and discuss God’s word, from marriage study groups to prayer groups to neighborhood gatherings designed for invite friends to and build connections.
Unlike our weekly Bible classes at the church building, we usually gather off-site for study groups. A member’s living room or a coffee shop can provide a perfect spot for deep conversations about life’s most important questions. And our neighbors are often more willing to visit in these intimate, less-intimidating environments.
Below are some of the groups we’ve hosted over the past few years. Watch the What’s Happening page for upcoming study groups, and let us know if there’s a group you’re particularly interested in.
• Ladies’ Studies
• Men’s Studies
• Young Adult Devotionals
• Marriage Studies
• Prayer Gatherings
• Neighborhood, Topical Studies
• Outdoor Sings
• Bible Q & A’s at the Library