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How To Sound Forth the Word

Ryan Joy


December 10, 2023

— Watch the Full Sermon —

This Lesson’s Purpose

To conclude the year of work on “sounding forth the word” and help us sustain our outreach.

The Key Idea

There is so much YOU can do to bring the gospel to others. You don’t have to be an expert to get involved.

This year, we spoke about evangelism like a golf course — you need more than one kind of club, depending on where someone is about the kingdom.

We All Can Share the Gospel

There’s more than one way to spread the gospel, and our goal is to provide simple ways you can get involved. You can share videos, verses, and other media online. You can give gift Bibles and booklets. You can invite people to studies, services, and events. You can also pray and engage with people in spiritual conversations.

Engaging with Neighbors

This year, we spoke about evangelism like a golf course — you need more than one kind of club, depending on where someone is about the kingdom.

You can start a conversation with anyone by being interested in them, paying attention to them, and asking questions. Ask the young mom in line at the grocery store about her kids, ask the cashier how her shift is going, and ask the bag boy what his tattoo represents. You may be surprised how happy people are to find someone who will listen. At some point, if the conversation allows, let them tell you about their spiritual beliefs.

Don’t feel threatened when someone attacks your beliefs or makes a false statement. Take a cue from Jesus and ask some questions. Greg Koukl calls this the Columbo method. He recommends asking:

  1. “What do you mean?” Learn more about them. It takes love, power, and self-control to listen rather than jump into your arguments.
  2. “How did you come to that conclusion?” Don’t attack; listen and ask about any inconsistencies you hear. The burden of proof lies with the one making an assertion.
  3. “Have you considered … ?” Give them the idea you think they are missing. And then wait as they consider it! Try to leave on good terms, but leave them with a “pebble in their shoe.”

Sometimes, you pray for workers, and the worker is you!

Pray About Saving the Lost

What can every Christian do daily that can make all the difference in getting the GOSPEL TO THE LOST? We can pray! Jesus told his disciples to pray for workers (Matt. 9:37-38) and immediately sent them out to work (Matt. 10:5-42). Sometimes, you pray for workers, and the worker is you! Prayer can be the neglected power that COULD drive church growth. Here are three critical prayers you can ask the Lord for today:

Pray for WORKERS (Matt. 9:37-38)
Pray for BOLDNESS (Acts 4:29)
Pray for OPEN DOORS (Col. 4:2-4)

What is your next step toward sounding the word more effectively?

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